Here's a good example of where my head is lately....
After my post yesterday, Nicole reminded me that I forgot to include my trip to Baton Rouge in my short listed series of events over the past month. How could I forget surprising my sister for her baby shower and seeing her cry and her calling me a nerd? How you ask...I'll tell you how.
I have been homeless for 4 weeks; I left for Louisiana on a Friday and came back to an empty house on the following Monday with all of my stuff in storage. It took Navarre only about a week to figure out something was going on, and this wasn't just a fun weekend at Oma and Grandpa's house. She was like, "Where's my stuff and where's my clothes and more importantly, where's my stuff and why are Momma and Daddy here too?"
It's no excuse, but here's the corrected list:
1. looked for a new house
2. bought a house
3. sold a house
4. took a quick trip to LA to surprise Nicole and baby Caroline
5. put all wordly possessions in storage
6. moved in with in-laws
7. live with in-laws
8. buy a whole ton of expensive house stuff
9. do whatever I have to do in order to stay sane while my husband, my 22-month old and myself share space with others
10. learn about 1.5 years of university courses on electrical engineering in order to be satisfied with my generator purchase for my country home with acreage
11. learn to sleep at night knowing there is a very large tank of shit (also known as a "septic tank") under my lawn
(I added that last one just now; I had allowed myself to forget about the tank o shit, but now that the closing date is looming....I've got shit on the brain)