We're back. We made it. Jamie's back survived the trip; Caroline survived Navarre, and I survived it all. I had such a good time in Oklahoma...watching Navarre with Caroline, watching Nicole and T with their beautiful daughter, watching all of it. One day Nicole and I went to Target with the girls (yep, with the girls), and we're riding down the long Oklahoma interstate. I'm thinking to myself, "I can't believe the two of us are sitting here with our daughters in the backseat."
What I love about my sister is that no matter what changes in our lives or where we are both physically and emotionally in our lives, our relationship doesn't change. When I walked into her house and we hung out that first night, it wasn't like it had been months since we had seen each other. It was like I saw her last week. I love that. Maybe it's because since I've had a child my brain turns to mush much quicker than before and I just can't wrap my tired brain around the actual continuum of time. That could be it too.
And just as Nicole promised on her "website" (he he), I'll have pictures up soon. Except give me at least a week; she's got a newborn to take care of, but I've got a kickass bachelorette party to prepare for this weekend.