My au natural sister gave me 2 cloth diapers for Christmas for Navarre. She has a friend that creates custom-made cloth diapers. They are beautiful and extremely cute, but still made of cloth that absorb pee and poo that must be washed by me...there lies the drawback. There is a really cute chocolate brown print with turquoise and pink and a pink LSU dipaer. I decide to try it...here's my story.
I put the LSU one on her with a little dress. She was wearing her snow suit, so I didn't put tights on her over the diaper. We went out shopping, and she fell asleep in the car seat. She slept for about an hour after we got home, and we were gone for about an hour. She was screaming when she woke up....tried different things that didn't work, so I decided to change her. I took off the diaper, and I couldn't tell if she had peed or not. While I was trying to figure this out, she starts peeing. She was obviously saving up because it wouldn't stop streaming...allover the cloth diaper (which i determined she hadn't peed in before that), allover the dress, changing pad, etc. Now, she's screaming and peeing. So, it was cute and comfortable on her I'm sure, but I don't know how well it worked (leak wise) because I took it off before she peed!

The lesson learned here is #1 - she can go 2 hours without peeing; #2 - always have 2nd diaper ready (I already knew this one, but must have had a moment of insanity inspired by the pee vs. no pee debate); #3 - when the baby is screaming because she's hungry, it's not the time to determine if the cute cloth diaper is all it's cracked up to be.
The beautiful knitted coat is curteous of Auntie Nicole. It is gorgeous and totally one of a kind. She's so talented:)
I've never been called "au natural" before. I think I like it! Now we just need some organic cotton knitted clothes and a cloth diaper and we'll be set!
There was organic baby clothes at Whole Foods at home, and I was tempted to buy it...sooooo expensive though.
Pottery Barn Baby has a whole line of organic cotton clothes. And yes, they are more expensive. Being "green" isn't cheap!
I used cloth diapers almost exclusively for your pal Steve in the mid '70s, partly due to the poor quality of early disposables. Flushabyes were just paper- no tabs, elastics or waterproofing. And I don't think they were even entirely flushable. There used to be diaper liners to use with the cloth- helped with the yuck factor.
And you do have a beautiful baby
Lyn May
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