Oh, and it's come to my attention that some people are all up in arms that I have not posted the house pictures yet. Well if there's one thing my Mom taught me was not to do things half-ass. And while the house is so much improved with the work that has been done, it is not finished. We had an incident with some floating shelves that has caused holes, repainting and drywall compound that wasn't quite dry yet, so more repainting, so we're a bit behind on the touch up and finishing work. We've got a ton of pictures and paintings to hang, and I am not posting pictures until it is all finished - not half-ass finished. So, all you readers out there will just have to wait. Like I tell Navarre, "Hold your horsies."

1 comment:
Holy Moly! I cannot believe how much she's grown. She's standing? What's up with that. Tell her no more growing until she sees Auntie again!
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