Friday, June 20, 2008

Nicole's heaven

Today on the Martha Stewart Show, it's knitting & crochet day. The whole audience is knitting during the show. The piece de resistance....yarn made from your dog's hair. EEEWWWW! Martha is knitting a muffler for one of her dogs from the hair from another dog. I'm all into reduce, reuse, recycle, but I have to draw the line here. This is disgusting. Nicole, if you ever knit something from B or Copper's fur, I just might hurl.


Unknown said...

Actually, Julie saw that episode when it first aired and sent me a link to the resources. I chuckled and didn't think much more about it. When Rufus died, I thought about it but then realized it was truly creepy. Although, what is wool but sheep hair?

Anonymous said...

I loved Rufus too, but I'd rather remember HIM wearing his hair.