Friday, August 27, 2010


We seem to have one of the few babies that doesn't like a car ride. That's right. Apparently there are babies who cry every time they get in the car - for the whole car ride - regardless if that ride is 5 minutes or 50 minutes. It's really awesome to have Jay crying and Navarre repeating the same line from a Disney movie (any princess movie - you pick and she can drop a line) over and over and over again.

Well, this morning I took Navarre to the sitter's house, and Jay was not only not crying for the ENTIRE ride, he was even awake. We get Navarre to tell us if his eyes are open, and when asked this morning she said, "Yep, they're open, and he's not crying."

Now, according to Google Maps, this drive is only 6 miles. However, I consider this tremendous progress.

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