As a parent of two kids and being a younger sibling myself, I'm very cognizant not to compare my children, especially since we have a girl and a boy. That being said, I can't get over the size difference in these early months. Remember the first size comparison
(click here to see), well, here is comparison #2.

Jay at 11 weeks, 5 days

Navarre at 14 weeks, 3 days
This sleeper fits Jay more snuggly at 11 weeks than it did on Navarre at 14 weeks. I guess he's running about a month bigger! And now neither child is buckled into the swing.
Okay so the pic of Jay looks like Navarre and the pic of Navarre could be another child entirely. Doesn't look like her to me. Sure there's not a little Falcone locked in the basement???
Oh, Claire; I do remember Navarre like it was yesterday and she has changed a lot. Those cheeks have just turned into a big laugh from her every time you look at her now! Jay, on the other hand, is SO like Leslie -- even now -- giving everybody that "I'm not sure about you...gotta check you out first!" He is such the little man. Big misses you guys!!!
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