Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Great Pumpkin

My last picture post was right before Nanny and Aunt Betty arrived. They were here for Canadian Thanksgiving weekend. It really is an awesome time of year to be up here, which is why we usually have visitors that weekend. We went to the Valley and picked apples and pumpkins and gourds. We did fun kiddie Valley stuff like pay too much to go to the lame ass petting zoo they had at the orchard and walked around looking for the pigs they said you could feed apples to - not I said looking for, not feeding. We escaped the orchard with minimal fits from Navarre. Just the usual, "I'm super pissed off because I'm little and don't understand that I can't pick the gargantuan pumpkins from the vine like I pick apples from the tree" type of attitude from the 3-year old. We had a really good Thanksgiving dinner at Jamie's folks' place, and Nanny and I made apple jelly ALL day Monday. It was a nice weekend with beautiful weather, nice visits with family and a good time all-round.

Navarre must have got her love of puzzles from Nanny.

The jammies glow in the dark, but if Navarre doesn't fall asleep before hers loses their "glow", then she gets upset.

Sadly, this is the best picture of this three-ring circus.

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