One marine asks, "So guys, whose the best picker?"
I did a double take since I wasn't paying full attention. Jimmy asks for clarification, "The best picker or the best pick?"
"The best picker."
Jimmy responds, "Well me of course! I'm the best picker. You can't talk about the best picker without mentioning me."
While I'm starting to double over in laughter, I'm wondering if these guys are actually talking about the "best picker" on national television (I guess international since I'm watching in Canada) without mentioning Jim "let's kick field goals and never win a game" Mora, former head coach of the New Orleans Saints. That idiot had his finger so far up his nose every time the camera was on him he must have made it rich from the all the gold he dug instead of winning football games. I don't understand how the NFL Today guys could even have a best picker conversation without a mention of Mora. I remember counting how many times he would be picking his nose during games with my family on Sundays...aaaah, quality time together.
So, on Thanksgiving 2007, the best picker award goes to Jim Mora and Jimmy Johnson. Keep on pickin' guys. And, congrats to the Packers on their 10-1 start...Favre hasn't looked this good since...well maybe ever. Have you noticed no one has asked if this is his last year yet???
Oh, and I think one little girl had too much turkey today.

1 comment:
So I'm reading your post and when I read "best picker", Jim Mora Sr (aforementioned coach) immediately popped into my head. So apparently, we both equate picker = nose picking Jim Mora. HA! And that's one fabulous blanket covering our sweet little girl! She looks like you in that picture, btw.
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