I guess I should start with Halloween; that's where I left off the last post. We had a ton of kids, which wasn't a surprise. But I have to say, doesn't anyone believe in homemade costumes anymore?? Not necessarily handmade, sewn costumes, but you know the kind where you piece together a costume from stuff around the house - not the Buzz Lightyear store bought kind or the lion store bought kind. I was a bit disappointed in the costumes. No rock stars made from your Mom's oversized glittery striped shirt; no handsewn clown costumes; no witches with spanish moss hair - ok, we don't have spanish moss in Nova Scotia - but there wasn't anything close to that. I digress, Navarre was the cutest:) Now, I'm left eating the Halloween candy, and it's wrecking my weightwatchers plan of getting back to pre-preggo weight. I've instructed Jamie the leftovers are to be sent to Halifax West for jaded, or maybe just holiday lusting, English teachers to eat. Enjoy the pics of our pumpkins this year. It definitely wasn't anything compared to our 10 jack-o-lantern year, but it'll do.

Not much has gone on since Halloween. The craft projects are done for now. My next is a Christmas stocking for the baby. I'll do that in the next few weeks. The hardest part is making up my mind for fabric/embellishments, etc. My sister-in-law, Shaina, is coming over to sew some for her and her boyfriend...I'm hoping for cute and homemade, but not too obviously homemade, if you know what I mean.
I'm glad to say the Christmas shopping is going pretty well so far. There are a few key gifts left to buy, but I have an idea for most everyone on the list, except for the Louque names...ugh, I hate drawing names so late for that family. We draw at Thanksgiving (American Thanksgiving for you Canuck readers - ok, I just had to ask Jamie how to spell Canuck), which is way too late in my opinion. I'm excited about Navarre's first Christmas. Big will be up here for it too. Big is her grandmother, my mother...that is a long story that deserves it own post, so maybe another day.
Switching back to baby talk for a minute...we gave Navarre formula for the first time last night. I know; all of the pro-breastfeeding readers out there try to pick your bottom jaw off the floor. Honestly, I had a feeling I wouldn't last 6 months, but I wanted to. If she were more on a schedule or something, then maybe it would be different, but she's not. For mama to be sane, we need to do it. Not exclusively, which I'm happy about, but using the formula to give us some more flexibility and me some more sleep on the weekends was needed. She took it wonderfully; I swear if she could talk she would be screaming for more. I was very happy:) It didn't seem to make a difference with the throw up either, so it was great for everyone.
A few more things before I go fall asleep to Monday Night Football...Nicole had her colonoscopy today...I haven't talked to her yet. I tried calling but didn't get an answer. I'll try again before bed. I hope everything went well, and the results are good. She sent her beautiful niece a dress a couple of weeks ago. Well, I finally got her in it. See how cute she is, Auntie:)

Test went fine, but you already knew that. I'll know results of the pathology in about a week. So I'll let everyone know then. I did post about the whole experience on my blog to demystify the experience.
Got to catch up on Nicole's blog. Has Dad learned about the blog? I don't see any comments from him; although mine have been a long time a comin'. Love baby girl's new outfit. We Louque women have such fashion finesse! Keep the pics coming. Navarre looks right at home in the gumbo pot. Will she love to cook it -- or eat it? She's a Louque, too, so she'll be right at home around the food! Thanks for throwing the "Big" thing in there. I'm still getting the deer-in-the-headlights look when I tell people what my grandchild will call me. I don't understand that. Just ask Copper and Rufus about it.
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