Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Many firsts

The month of November has given us many firsts in the Falcone house. Jay is now eating solid food, and he is attempting to crawl. Navarre and Jay take baths together since Jay splashes too much in his little infant tub. Navarre loves to put on shows for us...unless we specifically ask for a certain song or show, then it's a no go. Navarre is tracing her letters and doing a wonderful job. Her swimming lessons have ended, and she ended the class with jumping off the side without holding on to anyone's hands and kicking herself around the pool on the kick board. Hopefully the pictures below show you how much fun we've been having this month.

I love the bath!

Navarre yells across the pool, "I'm doin' it! I'm doin' it!"

"MMMM, I love oatmeal."

Me: "Navarre, it's time to get ready for bed."
Navarre: "I'm ready."
Me: "Do you think all princesses go to bed like this?"
Navarre: "Yes"

Navarre's letters...she traced all of these except for the w!!

Plum tuckered out.

Play it again, Jay.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

Jay enjoyed his first Halloween. He went trick-or-treating with Daddy and Navarre, while I stayed home and passed out candy. He was asleep in the stroller by the second house. The weather was crappy - misty rain and cold - but that didn't deter Tinkerbell, the cow and Daddy. Navarre was so excited that she actually looks happy in this picture and forgot to pose or do a silly picture face that she normally does.

Here is the aftermath of having Halloween candy as the bedtime snack....yes, that is chocolate smeared on her mouth and a piece of chocolate she is affectionately holding against her cheek.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Great Pumpkin

My last picture post was right before Nanny and Aunt Betty arrived. They were here for Canadian Thanksgiving weekend. It really is an awesome time of year to be up here, which is why we usually have visitors that weekend. We went to the Valley and picked apples and pumpkins and gourds. We did fun kiddie Valley stuff like pay too much to go to the lame ass petting zoo they had at the orchard and walked around looking for the pigs they said you could feed apples to - not I said looking for, not feeding. We escaped the orchard with minimal fits from Navarre. Just the usual, "I'm super pissed off because I'm little and don't understand that I can't pick the gargantuan pumpkins from the vine like I pick apples from the tree" type of attitude from the 3-year old. We had a really good Thanksgiving dinner at Jamie's folks' place, and Nanny and I made apple jelly ALL day Monday. It was a nice weekend with beautiful weather, nice visits with family and a good time all-round.

Navarre must have got her love of puzzles from Nanny.

The jammies glow in the dark, but if Navarre doesn't fall asleep before hers loses their "glow", then she gets upset.

Sadly, this is the best picture of this three-ring circus.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Why do smiles come the best when he's on the change table?

Friday, September 24, 2010

Strike a pose

I said, "Navarre, let me take some pictures of your new haircut." This is what I got. Seriously.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Size comparison #2

As a parent of two kids and being a younger sibling myself, I'm very cognizant not to compare my children, especially since we have a girl and a boy. That being said, I can't get over the size difference in these early months. Remember the first size comparison (click here to see), well, here is comparison #2.

Jay at 11 weeks, 5 days

Navarre at 14 weeks, 3 days

This sleeper fits Jay more snuggly at 11 weeks than it did on Navarre at 14 weeks. I guess he's running about a month bigger! And now neither child is buckled into the swing.

Size comparison #2

As a parent of two kids and being a younger sibling myself, I'm very cognizant not to compare my children, especially since we have a girl and a boy. That being said, I can't get over the size difference in these early months. Remember the first size comparison (click here to see), well, here is comparison #2.

Jay at 11 weeks, 5 days

Navarre at 14 weeks, 3 days

This sleeper fits Jay more snuggly at 11 weeks than it did on Navarre at 14 weeks. I guess he's running about a month bigger! And now neither child is buckled into the swing.

Friday, September 3, 2010


Jumping waves with Daddy

Crystal Crescent Beach

I've been promising pictures of our beach trips for some time now. We discovered two beaches this summer - Bayswater (about 1 hour from us) and Crystal Crescent (about 45 minutes from us). My fave is Crystal Crescent. The sand is finer and whiter than most Nova Scotia beaches, and the water is beautiful - a little on the chilly side, but beautiful.

Crystal Crescent Beach

Jay was pretty good on all of our beach trips. We kept him in the shade, and he was content for the most part. Spider monkey LOVES the beach. She loves rolling in the sand, jumping the waves, running down the beach, finding shells/rocks - all good things given she was named after a beach. After all, she is her mother's daughter.

Jay at Bayswater

Navarre at Bayswater. Nicole, it's her first hole!

My two boys

Navarre finding shells

Navarre being Navarre

Friday, August 27, 2010


We seem to have one of the few babies that doesn't like a car ride. That's right. Apparently there are babies who cry every time they get in the car - for the whole car ride - regardless if that ride is 5 minutes or 50 minutes. It's really awesome to have Jay crying and Navarre repeating the same line from a Disney movie (any princess movie - you pick and she can drop a line) over and over and over again.

Well, this morning I took Navarre to the sitter's house, and Jay was not only not crying for the ENTIRE ride, he was even awake. We get Navarre to tell us if his eyes are open, and when asked this morning she said, "Yep, they're open, and he's not crying."

Now, according to Google Maps, this drive is only 6 miles. However, I consider this tremendous progress.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


I was totally, utterly, dead set against Facebook. I was a hold out - for a long time. Then I joined. And the creeping, wall updating, picture tagging, etc. began. As much as I use Facebook, it still annoys me. Until today. Finding this link posted by a friend of a friend, made it all worth it. Click here to enjoy.

Anyone with children, or married to a man over 35 years old, will appreciate this. Get ready to laugh your ass off.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

I dare you

If you're having a bad day, I dare you to look at these pictures and still have that frown on your face.