The month of November has given us many firsts in the Falcone house. Jay is now eating solid food, and he is attempting to crawl. Navarre and Jay take baths together since Jay splashes too much in his little infant tub. Navarre loves to put on shows for us...unless we specifically ask for a certain song or show, then it's a no go. Navarre is tracing her letters and doing a wonderful job. Her swimming lessons have ended, and she ended the class with jumping off the side without holding on to anyone's hands and kicking herself around the pool on the kick board. Hopefully the pictures below show you how much fun we've been having this month.

I love the bath!

Navarre yells across the pool, "I'm doin' it! I'm doin' it!"
Navarre: "I'm ready."
Me: "Do you think all princesses go to bed like this?"
Navarre: "Yes"