Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Where in the world are the Falcones?

Sorry I have been MIA lately. Our laptop has all but blown up. I think all of the blog posts and travelling through corn fields has just fried its little motherboard brain. So, I haven't been posting on our trip. (I'll blame the laptop problem for it, but I've been very lazy too)

We are in Navarre Beach this week. I feel like this is my home away from home away from home...Baton Rouge and Halifax being the 2nd and 3rd home mentioned above. I come here and relax, rejuvinate and have a damn good time with family and friends. To make it even that much better, we have Navarre here with us this year. We're at her namesake, and it's like she was just meant to be here.

A baby not liking the sand...not here. A baby not liking the waves crash in her face...not here. A baby not liking the taste of salt water...not here. She loves it. It's like she doesn't even realize she's covered head to toe in sand with it in every body crevice imagineable. She does her thing and plays with her toys and eats a little sand along the way and has a grande old time.

Maybe it's because she's one now and a big girl. I don't know, but she's wonderful and having a wonderful time. Her birthday was Aug. 3rd, and there will be pics when we return to Hali, along with beach pics.

So, we're here a few more days, then back to BR for the big ole' 10-year reunion...then on the road again home. More to come later...


Unknown said...

I'll have a few beach pics up tomorrow at the latest! I had fun!

Anonymous said...

I'll bet BBG was stylin' in the sand, in the waves, and everywhere on Navarre's Beach in her new RL beachwear! Can't wait for the pics.