Sunday, February 8, 2009

Everything I wanted to know

For years now I've tried to wrap my little ole American head around how the Canadian government works. At first I tried to compare/contrast against the US government, and it's just incomparable. A republic vs. a constitutional monarchy/parliamentary democracy match up just doesn't make much sense.

It has also bothered me that when I ask most Canadians questions about government, they look at me like I have a horn growing out of my head - as to say why in hell would you ever ask that or how the hell should i know. Didn't Canadians have a Canadian version of School House Rocks or a basic Civics class in jr. high or high school? Apparently not.

Then in the end of 2008 this so-called coalition government almost takes over, and I have Americans asking me what the hell is going on up here. As if I know. I only live here, and I can't find a Canuck to give me a straight answer. ...then comes Rick Mercer.

Rick Mercer is like the Jon Stewart of Canada, but smaller (if you could imagine that) and funnier looking. On his show last week he had an entire segment on how the Canadian government works. Go watch it now!

What I find hilarious about this piece, is that it's as if it were written by an American living in Canada. So, for all of you south of the border (and for those north of the border) who don't have a flippin clue about the Canadian government, I hope this has shed some light on it for you, or at least given you a good laugh.



Unknown said...

Well, it did answer some questions. Just wish I would have known who some of the pictures were referring to. But yes, quite funny.

Anonymous said...

that was awesome!! I think that should be given to everyone going for Canadian citizenship :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm a Canadian and I learned a great deal from the video. Thanks!