Saturday, May 23, 2009

Anything but mundane

So here I am. I've been away for a LONGGGG time. How have you been? Good I hope. I could bore you with details of what's been going on lately with us, but I won't. If you talk to me on a regular basis, then you know. If you don't, here is a brief synopsis...

1. looked for a new house
2. bought a house
3. sold a house
4. put all wordly possessions in storage
5. moved in with in-laws
6. live with in-laws
7. buy a whole ton of expensive house stuff
8. do whatever I have to do in order to stay sane while my husband, my 22-month old and myself share space with others
10. learn about 1.5 years of university courses on electrical engineering in order to be satisfied with my generator purchase for my country home with acreage

So, that brings you up to speed. We close on the new house Thursday. I have been all consumed by house stuff lately.

Now, back to good old blogging and working and having fun with Jamie and Navarre.

On a side note, our weather has been gorgeous, and I've been soaking up as much vitamin D as possible. On a even wider side note, my new contemplation is whether or not I can jump on board the Twitter bandwagon.

Peace out.


Unknown said...

You can't be on facebook but you can be on twitter? I'm not sure I follow....

Don't forget you also took a trip to Louisiana!

Anonymous said...

Don't do Facebook, but I signed up to "Twitter" at the invitation of a friend and now I get daily emails which read, Jeanie, so-and-so is now following you on Twitter! I never post anything. I barely have time to read yours and Nicole's blogs. Great to see you back!!! Big is on standby...

sjm said...

you. will. tweet. sooner. or. later.