Friday, July 11, 2008

Soy beans and the sauce

I know I haven't updated in awhile, but we've been busy. It's amazing how busy it can be travelling with an almost one year old. She's is an excellent traveller though...better than most adults I know.

Anyway, we spent 4 days in Toronto. It was awesome seeing Claire and David again. It's been too long........and we get to see them in Hali in September. I'm hoping the fake hair will be making an appearance in Nova Scotia. It was nice to spend some time with the hair too. We even got Navarre in on it. If I can remember, I will put up a pic from our wedding of Claire and her fake hair. It was gorgeous; she totally rocked it.

Thanks to Michelle and Adam too for their hospitality in the T-Dot. Their expecting a baby in November, so have fun for the rest of the summer and get some sleep while you still can!

And now we're in Windsor. Well, technically LaSalle, Ontario visiting the Zaniers. Brian & Julie are great people with great kids, and we have a damn good time when we're with them. I think Windsor may be the only other place in Canada I would ever live.

Last night was supposed to just be a regular ole night at the Zaniers. Brian BBQed; Julie cooked....had a great dinner...after the pedis Julie and I got:) So, we're having some cocktails before dinner, and Julie yells there is a fire in the stove. And we're like, "Julie, um, I don't think so...just don't breathe into the stove!" But, no...there was a small little fire from the element.

So, the oven's broke right now, but that's the least of our worries. So, dinner and Brian's parents come over and more drinks and the baby is naked in the kiddie pool having a great time, then the neighbors come over with their kids...good ole time. Then Navarre goes to bed and more drinks...the outdoor fireplace is going but we are running out of wood - that's a problem since there were killer mosquitos. Anyway, I digress...the boys solve this problem later involves a soy bean field, a saw, potential coyotes & deer, not enough bug spray, some crazy wild banchees, and topless men.

I just have to leave it like that. There will be some pics later on...I promise! Julie stay tuned for the pics.

Tomorrow is Jamie's birthday. He's concerned about being another year older, but I told him that it didn't matter because he had already lost his hair, so no worries:)


Anonymous said...

Jeeeez...and I though South Louisiana was a crazy place to live. Sounds like vacation pics from the Zanier's should have a warning, "parental guidance suggested" -- and not the parents depicted, either! Oh, hell; I'm just jelous. I say throw those Zaniers in the Sportage and continue your Portage with them down to South LA!

Anonymous said...

oops...what I meant to say was, I'm just jealous. damn spellcheck!

Zanier said...

I can't wait to see those pics of your stay here! To think that your last blog was the tamer party!
Heck...I miss you already!!!

Can't wait to see the rest of the story!

I like Jeanie's idea...let's just party all the way to the south!

We have a blast with you guys.

Ciao! Julie