Sunday, July 6, 2008

Day 2 and Day 3

Sorry for no post on Day 2 or 3. When Navarre is sleeping in the play pen in the same hotel room as us, we can't really do much , so no update...we were really tired by the time we got to the hotel after driving all day and getting dinner and getting her ready for bed, etc. are the stats...

Day 2 - Edmonston, NB to Montreal
598 kms/375 miles
7.5 hours

Day 3 - Montreal to Missassauga, ON
578 kms/361 miles
7 hours

The GPS is working out great, except for Montreal. We arrived in Montreal right at rush hour, and it sent us on the most messed up route to the hotel that required illegal turns. I'm convinced there was a better route. C'est la vie.

She takes a nap in the morning in the car, then wakes up and plays a while with toys in her seat. Then we stop about an hour and half for lunch - let her play, crawl, whatever - then she takes about a 2 hour nap in the afternoon in the car. Then we have to entertain her until we reach our destination. She's been great!!

We're at Claire and David's in Missassauga now. It's nice not having to unpack the car, pack the car every night and morning. Next we'll be at Michelle's and Adam's in Toronto. Going swimming today after Navarre wakes to come!

A random though that occurred to me during the drive yesterday at around 10:30 am...Why do prunes make you go, but plums don't necessarily make you go like prunes?? Jamie and I couldn't answer this question....Steve (Steve Owen, not SJM - although SJM if you know the answer feel free to send it...) if you're reading, leave a comment and let me know!!

Other Quebec I actually saw a police car with its lights covered up with a tarp that said "hors service" - that's the equivalent of "out of service" for you anglophones - so, is that like, "I'm a cop, but I'm off duty so do whatever the hell you want."????? It's Quebec...I guess so.

Peace out.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you're off to a great start on a great trip! At journey's end Navarre will, without a doubt, be the most-traveled one-year old on the continent! Can't wait for the pics to start rolling in. Happy Trails! For all you Canucks who may be wondering, that's an American thing. Hi-Ho, Silver -- Away!

Claudia said...

Its official - I have too much time on my hands. After Googling prunes vs. plums ad nauseum, I found out that prunes are NOT just dried plums. They are a variety of plum (both of which are members of genus prunus which are stone fruits - as in having pits in them - including peaches, apricots, and cherries). So it seems that only this particular type of plum will shrivel and ferment to produce biscodyl, which is a contact laxative that induces the secretion of fluid in the bowel and stimulates contractions of the intestines to push waste through the colon more quickly and efficiently.

Yep - too much time on my hands.

Claudia said...

JUST FYI on my comment - that last part was a copy/paste! I don't use those words! :)

Anonymous said...

Prunes and plums are like kerosene and jet fuel. Both are products of petroleum. However, kerosene won't make a jet go, but jet fuel will.

Anonymous said...

As you can read from our comments, unlike Luna's Mom and Leslie's Dad, I spent my time as a child watching Roy Rogers, Dale Evans, and The Lone Ranger on TV. And since I can't cath those old faves on TV Land you'd think I'd watch Discovery Channel or read up on science and nutrition -- Well, no. I just eat and go and catch those planes and never think about what gets me going where.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm ready for an update :-) It sounds like you're having fun.. there never is an explanation for the happenings of Quebec!! Hug BBG for me..