Saturday, November 24, 2007

The baby has ESPN

By the look on Navarre's face, she must have known the outcome of the LSU game on Friday. She must have ESPN. That's all I can say about Friday's game.

Another favorite...

Look dahling, the jacket's attached.


Unknown said...

She looks so different in those two pictures. Please ask her to stop changing until I can see her in person!!

I like her in the pink. She looks good in pink!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Navarre and Big both have ESPN. I've been worried about this game for weeks. Looks like Navarre and I were the only ones. Coaches must have had too much turkey!

Yes, Dahling, we WILL have a fashion show when Big comes to Halifax!

Yes, Nicole, Navarre DOES look good in pink. Leslie, you have to get over your dread of pink!