Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Definitely not like Auntie

How the hell do you get a baby who fights sleep (screaming and pulling and scratching...) to learn to fall asleep on her own? I would love to know how I'm supposed to put my baby down to sleep when she is "drowsy" and not fully asleep and have her actually go to sleep. The experts (by experts I mean M.D.s, Ph.D.s and Mothers) say put the baby to sleep drowsy, not asleep...will someone please tell that to my beautiful almost 4 month old daughter who hates sleep more than her bitter tasting Zantac medication and more than the sunlight shining in her eyes in the car.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

For the record (and those who don't know), Auntie can sleep anywhere, anytime and through anything (including the tornado sirens, which worries her husband).