Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I hate picking out the seeds

Scene: 10:39 pm in the living room, and the State of the Union address is on TV. I'm changing the settings on the blog, and Jamie is eating an orange. I'm halfway paying attention to Bush's speech and pondering the feasibility of universal health care coverage in the US, while Jamie chimes up...

"These are good oranges, but there are too many seeds. We're only buying navel oranges from now on."

"Oh yeah. I didn't know those had a lot of seeds. Sorry."

"That's ok; they're still tasty...Cajunadian."


"That's what Navarre is - a Cajunadian."

"Yeah, I guess so."

I love our deep conversations.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

T won't eat the ones with seeds either. He says it's too much work.