Saturday, June 21, 2008

No Officer I haven't been drinking

Life Lesson #4: Don't go to taekwondo class immediately following a root canal.

Yesterday I went to my dentist for a regular cleaning and what I thought was a filling to replace an old filling. Back in April I had gone in because I was having a bad toothache. My dentist was on vacation, so I saw another one in the practice. He said a crown was needed because of a cracked tooth. My dentist came back and said, no, no, just replace the filling on the tooth. So, I go in yesterday, and he tells me I need a root canal. This tooth has been sensitive to hot and cold for about a year now. So, I'm all, "Hell yeah! Do it if it fixes the problem." Then I ask if I can go to my taekwondo class right after the appointment. No problem I'm told.

While the dental dam is on and they are about to start, the assistant mentions I will be back in 2 weeks to get the permanent filling. Um, no, we have the Portage in the Sportage '08. So, they put a more permanent temporary filling in to last me until I get back from the trip.

All is good, I can't feel half my face, but I go to class. Not a good idea. I don't know what they freeze your mouth/face with at the dentist office, but I couldn't move the whole left side of my body like I wanted to. Something was off the whole class. Then during our breaks I'm trying to drink water, and it's all dribbling down my chin and my uniform. Not to mention my speech is sort of slurred because the entire left side of my mouth and some of my face is frozen.

I got through class, and with the help of the ibuprofen I popped right before class, I wasn't in too much pain. Although the headache and toothache was starting as I drove home. You know when something is off in your body and you can't put your finger on it, but you know that something is not right? That's how I felt all night.

Lesson learned.

1 comment:

Claudia said...

Just the image of you trying to drink at class is classic!! LOVE IT! Sorry you had to go through the pain, but damn, did someone at least get a video of the drooling?? :)