Thursday, March 6, 2008

Gettin' ready

Dad's coming up here tomorrow to visit and help us paint the upstairs. This all stems from a close call with a furniture purchase in Baton Rouge...

Anyway, we bought this house 4 1/2 years ago. At the time, I hated the sage green paint that was everywhere upstairs (entry way, living room, hallway) and in the basement. With the dark green carpet in the house, it was too much. Besides, it was that "I'm really afraid of color, but since I have a greenish color on my walls I can say I'm not afraid of color and I like color" shade of sage green. When we moved in I said we would have to paint and replace the carpet. We painted the basement after 2 years due to a lovely leak at Thanksgiving. Then, the green upstairs stayed, and stayed and stayed...until now. I'm still living with green carpet and not happy about it. I'll save that convo for another day.

We're painting it yellow; the same yellow that we put in the basement. Some could say that this is a "I'm afraid of color but it's yellow, so I'm not afraid of color" color. But, it's warmer than that. I think the mustard yellow and grayish purple in the kitchen, bright red in the bathroom and Tiffany blue in the baby's room makes up for this. We had so much paint left over from painting the basement that I think we've got enough to cover all of upstairs. I'll paint two of the walls "wrightstone", which is a dark taupe color just for a bit of contrast. We have this color on our closet wall and doors in our bedroom.

So, we'll be busy with that this weekend. Dad's only staying until Wed., so we can't fart around. I'm trying to prep everything before he gets here. I asked the pediatrician on Tuesday about the paint fumes for the baby. She said she was going to leave that up to us, but that if the fumes were bothering us, then no doubt they would be bothering Navarre. I think she'll be fine, and if she starts sleeping for like 10 hours straight, well then we'll re-evaluate the situation. Or maybe we won't....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think she'll just start giggling uncontrollably. And let's just make sure all Dad furniture purchases are run through us!