Thursday, March 27, 2008

Riveting pillow talk

Jamie and I are lying in bed watching American Idol (I know....but man is it fun), and this is our conversation...

Ryan Seacrest to contestant David Cooke: "Last night you sang Chris Cornell's version of "Billie Jean."

Me: "That's what it was! He didn't do that arrangement of the song himself."

Jamie: "Who's Chris Cornell?"

Me: "Seriously?"

Jamie: "Yeah"

Me: "Seriously?"

Jamie: "Yes, seriously."

Me: "Oh God"

It's moments like these when I realize how insular musicians can be.


Unknown said...

Claudia didn't know who he was either. But she was scared to ask on the blog since who is she and you'd just made fun of your husband for not knowing. HA!

Leslie said...

that's pretty funny...Claudia, he used to be the lead singer of Soundgarden - an alt rock band that became popular in the early 90s. Jamie didn't listen to the radio in early to mid-90s, so he missed that whole Seattle, alternative scene.

Unknown said...

I told her that, but still thought you should know. Yep, I totally sold her out!

Leslie said...

That's ok, Claudia...we still love ya!