Sunday, April 13, 2008

Pick-up pedicures

Evie and I threw a spa party for Shelly, since she hasn't seen her toes in about 2 months. She's due May 7th, so Baby C will make it's arrival fairly shortly. But, in the meantime, we thought she needed a totally relaxing afternoon where she could get those toes ready for the nurses at the IWK.

I found the "service providers" (I'm not sure what else to call them) on Kijiji. I didn't know much about them other than the seller's other ads included help with smoking cessation and anxiety problems. The ad did state licensed esthetician providing manicure/pedicure services. Well, Shell, Evie and I are standing in Evie's living room and we hear what sounds like a Mack truck coming up her road. No, we were's the nail ladies pulling up in their double cab turquoise-colored pick-up...hence pick-up pedis (props to Evie for the terminology:)

They were pretty good except the 15 year-old giving, I'm thinking she was not licensed, unless you count painting your cousins nails while your mom and aunts talk about their baby daddies.

Nevertheless, we had a good time, and I think Shell enjoyed herself. Now if she has a girl she'll be exposed to the pedicured foot from the get go:)

Oh, and if any readers would like tuning fork therapy, I can pass along my contact's name and number.


Unknown said...

yay! How fun! I'm glad it worked out... Tell Shelly she looks so cute!

Leslie said...

yep, she's a pretty cute preggo:) There were 3 pregnant women there and 3 with babies under 2!